Dirty Windows Ruining Your Perfect View?

Dirty Windows Ruining Your Perfect View? Dirty Windows Ruining Your Perfect View?

The DotcomBlinds Complete Guide To Cleaning Windows

Our excellent made to measure blinds can cover up a lot of issues, bad weather, ugly views and dirty windows. For bad weather and ugly views from your window, there’s not much that you can do (besides maybe moving to Spain) but for dirty windows it is easy enough to break out your cleaning utensils and clean up your dirty windows.

So today, we’ll be walking you through how you can make your windows look as good as new and letting you in on some expert advice as to how to guarantee that your windows are spic and span!

A Few Tips Before We Begin

Before cracking on with the window cleaning there are a few things that you should be aware of:

The first thing to take into mind would be the weather. You’ll want to do your window cleaning on a dry cloudy day, if it’s raining outside your nice clean windows will become dirty again from the rain and if it’s hot outside, the water will evaporate too quickly and end up leaving water marks and hard to remove streaks on your windows.

Much like when cleaning blinds, you’ll also want to make sure that you have the right supplies, just using a sponge, tea towel and a generic cleaner won’t cut the mustard unfortunately and can leave your windows looking worse than before. So you’ll want to make sure you have a microfibre cloth, a squeegee and a window cleaning spray such as Windex.

Also, if you have a set of blinds or curtains set up on your window, you’ll want to take them down and give them a quick clean as well. For blinds simply give them a wipedown or polish then a spray of Febreze and if you have curtains they’ll need to be brushed, vacuumed and then sprayed with some Febreze. Then put your blinds or curtains back up once you’ve finished with the windows.

A final tip, if you’re cleaning the inside and outside of your windows, make sure you wash them each in different directions, so clean vertically outside and horizontally inside, this way, if there are any streaks left on your windows you’ll know which side needs a do over.

So, How Should I Clean My Windows?

Step 1: Remove Dust And Dirt

Before you crack on with your window cleaning duties, you’ll want to quickly dust the window and window frame with a microfibre cloth. This will get any excess dust and dirt off your window, machining it easier to clean and prevent clumps forming when you apply the cleaner.

Step 2: Spray Window Cleaner On Your Window

Now that you’ve dusted the window clean, you’ll want to spray your Windex (Or other window cleaning agent) onto your window. You’ll want to use a lot of the spray so don’t hold back with squirts, you need plenty of cleaner to dissolve and detach the dirt from the window so it can be completely wiped away, by not using enough, you risk leaving streaks on your window.

Step 3: Wipe The Window Clean With A Microfibre Cloth

Once your window spray has had a minute or so to get to work, you’ll want to wipe the windows clean with an absorbent microfibre cloth in long, smooth wipes, working your way down or across the window. The texture of the microfibre cloth will make sure that the glass is left shiny and streak free.

Step 4: Squeegee Your Windows Dry

Break out your Squeegee, and scrape the rubber side along the window in S shaped lines to get off any excess moisture from the window. Be aware that the excess water will end up on the bottom of the windowsill, so you’ll want a tea towel ready to dry up the windowsill.

Step 5: Wipe Down your Window With A Fresh MicroFibre Cloth

Once your window has had all the excess water wiped off with the Squeegee, give the window one last quick, gentle wipe down with a fresh microfibre cloth just to finish off cleaning the window and remove any marks or leftover dust.


And now, you’ve successfully cleaned your windows and they’re now as good as new! Perfect for enjoying the view on a lovely day. Now you can put your window dressing back up or if you want a brand new stylish blind to compliment your lovely clean windows, you can always order yourself one of our fantastic made to measure blinds to show off your windows.