Installing a Crank Operated Roller Blinds

  • You overcame the measurement minefield and now you must face the final challenge – installing your crank operated roller blind. Honestly, it isn’t half as bad as you think it is, and with this very easy guide, you’ll be done in no time. Firstly, you need to remember how you measured for your blind. This affects where you attach the brackets.


    Step 1

    You’ll come across two ways of attaching your blind’s brackets: either attach them to the wall or window frame (depending on how you measured your blind in the first place). This is called face fix. To attach this, you should use a thin wood drill bit if attaching it to the window frame, or if it is going on to the wall, use a masonry drill bit with wall plugs (make sure the drill bit and the wall plugs are the same size). The alternative way of installing your blind is to attach these brackets to the ceiling or top of the recess with the blind hanging below, which is known as top fix.

    Installing top fix roller blinds

    Step 2

    install brackets roller blinds
    Once the brackets are up you can add the bracket covers. These will simply slide onto the brackets, giving your blind a professional and clean finishing touch if outside of the recess.

    Now it is time to attach the crank operated roller blind. First, attach the end opposite the controls, and then attach the control end.

    Clip in roller blind control

    Unpack the crank handle and attach the hook on the end of the handle to the eyelet on the blind’s mechanism. The crank handle is designed to fold out to create a handle to easily rotate the shaft, thus operating the blind smoothly and easily. If the blind is top fix, the pole clip should go within the recess to keep the crank handle out of the way, or on the wall close to the edge of the blind if it is a face fix blind. This is attached easily: simply mark on the wall with a pencil where you wish to hang the crank, drill the holes and insert a wall plug into each hole and screw the device to the wall!

    Changing the Roll

    If you wish to change the way the blind is rolled, which is sometimes a good idea if you are trying to avoid window handles or other protruding objects, then simply unravel the blind and then re-roll it in the direction you want.

    changing roller blind roller