Can Our Cassette Blinds improve Your Life?

Can Our Cassette Blinds improve Your Life? Can Our Cassette Blinds improve Your Life?

Who Can Benefit From Using Our Cassette Blinds?

Unless you’ve spent the past few days living under a rock, you should know that we’ve recently launched a new range of products: our total blackout cassette blinds!

We have already written up a blog post about what cassette blinds are and why we think they’re cool. But as these are a new product, we thought we’d explain some situations where our new cassette blinds can come in handy for you.

So, read on and discover if our new cassette blinds will be helpful to you!

Cinema Lovers – Create The Perfect Home Cinema Experience

Next up we have cinema lovers, it’s hard to get that ‘cinema feel’ at home and part of that is it’s hard to get a room in your home as dark as it would be in a cinema.

But, with a set of our total blackout cassette blinds, you can instantly transform any room of your home into an amazing home cinema, with our cinema quality blackouts. The full darkness will give you the feeling of being in a real cinema when watching the latest blockbusters, all you need now is a bag full of popcorn.

Residents In Urban Areas – Keep Light Pollution Out Of Your Home

Light pollution is a big issue for many people, especially those living near main roads or in built up urban areas, as the lights from streetlamps and passing cars pours into your bedroom at night, keeping you awake.

But, our total blackout cassette blinds will prevent all of that light pollution from leaking into your bedroom at night, which will put an end to light pollution disrupting your sleep at night. Without the lights from a passing car rousing you every other hour, you’ll notice that you’re sleeping better in no time.

New Parents – Be Ready To Nap At The Drop Of A Hat

It’s well known that becoming a parent means signing away your rights to a good night’s sleep for the next few years, meaning that parents will try and squeeze in a quick nap whenever the opportunity presents itself.

But having a nap during the day can be hard, as light from the outside world will distract you and keep you awake. But with our total blackout cassette blinds, your bedroom will be nap ready at the drop of a hat, as pulling the blinds closed will create a dark environment perfect for helping you fall asleep quicker than you can say “nappy change”!

Night Shift Workers – Get Sleep During Sunny Days

First off, let’s start with an obvious group who would benefit from using our total blackout cassette blinds: Night Shift Workers!

When you work a night shift, that means you need to do your sleeping during the day, which can be hard when the Sun is shining into your bedroom. A set of our cassette blinds will block out all the light from outside, creating the perfect space to easily fall asleep after a hard night’s work!

Ground Floor Apartments – Secure Your Privacy At Home

If you live on the ground floor of a building, you’ll likely have noticed passers-by peeking through your windows as they walk past, which can be annoying at the best of times and scary at the worst.

Thanks to the side channels on our cassette blinds, with these blinds closed it will be impossible for passers-by to peer into your home through your ground floor windows, securing your privacy and preventing any peeping Toms from peeking in.