How To Remove A Roller Blind

How To Remove A Roller Blind How To Remove A Roller Blind

Removing Roller Blinds From Windows Is EASY

Whoa there! Put down that crowbar, cowboy: this needn’t get messy!

Removing a roller blind is easy, just follow the fitting instructions in reverse. Oh, you threw them away?

Ok bigshot, here’s how to remove a roller blind with grace and dignity and without a crowbar or sledgehammer.

A chain tidy for a roller blind chain. Don't forget to remove this before you remove the blindUndo the child safety devices. This has caught out many a blind-remover in the past. Remove the p-clip or chain tidy before you start taking down blinds because the child safety devices will inhibit your movement. It also doesn’t look so cool if you succeed in getting the blind down only to find it’s still attached to the wall as you heroically stride away. So, remove the child safety devices first.

Head up top to the brackets and go to the side with the mechanism (the bit where the chain is attached). The barrel is connected to the mechanism which locks into the bracket. At the opposite end of the barrel is a pin which is sprung.

Push the barrel towards the pin end, compressing the spring behind the pin. This will then allow you to slide the mechanism end out of the bracket.

Push the mechanism end of the barrel up (1), which will take the mechanism out of the bracket's lock. You will then be able to push the blind towards the other bracket (2) as the sprung pin end will depress, giving you enough space to lift the barrel up and out of the brackets. Once the mechanism end is out, pull out the pin end and hey-presto: you’ve taken the blind down!

Sometimes, if the blind has been up for a while you may need to encourage it to separate by pushing back the bracket.

If you’re permanently removing the blind or replacing it with a venetian blind, vertical blind or curtain track, unscrew the brackets, apply a little filler and finish with a dab of paint.

Job done. Blind removed, dignity intact.

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